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中央政府門(mén)戶網(wǎng)站 www.nakedoat.com   2008年03月04日   來(lái)源:全國(guó)政協(xié)十一屆一次會(huì)議新聞中心網(wǎng)站




















March 4, 2008


    Group discussions of the 11th CPPCC National Committee members will be held from 15:00 to 17:00 on Wednesday March 5 2008 in the following hotels and will be open to the media.

    Hotels and circles of the CPPCC:

    ● Beijing Friendship Hotel (Tel: 68498888)

    Religion (Group 47)

    ●China Resources Hotel (Tel : 51385555)

    Literature & Arts (Group 24)

    Education (Group 37, 38)

    Social welfare & social security (Group 44)

    ● Jingfeng Hotel (Tel:83295588)

    All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (Group 19)

    Business (Group 32)

    Agriculture (Group 36)

    ● Railway Hotel (Tel: 51879199)

    China Democratic League (Group 5, 6)

    Chinese Peasants and Workers’ Democratic Party ( Group 10)

    China Zhi Gong Dang (Group 11)

    Jiu San Society (Group 12)

    ●21th Century Hotel (Tel: 64683311)

    Sci. & Tech. (Group 28)

    Culture and Sports (Group 39)

    ●Yanxiang Hotel (Tel: 51389988)

    Youth League, All-China Youth Federation (Group 15)

    All-China Federation of Trade Union (Group 16)

    All-China Women’s Federation (Group 17、18)

    Social sciences (Group 30、31)

    ●Jianyin Hotel (Tel: 63266633)

    China Association for the Promotion of Democracy (Group 9)

    All-China Taiwan Compatriots Association (Group 13)

    Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League (Group 22)

    Press Group for Journalists from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and abroad of the Press Center of the CPPCC